Saturday, December 29, 2012

Capricorn Style

Capricorns are generally known as solid, reliable, dependable and respectable. Anyone with a Capricorn friend knows that they have found someone they can count on. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of responsibility, structure and permanence, Capricorns represent the glue that holds everything together. This may not sound as crazy, sexy or cool as other sassy signs, like Scorpio or Leo, whose energy is more outwardly oriented, but there is an inherent sense of foundation that Capricorns enjoy. Caps like to hide their "cookies", so to speak. If you want some serious love heat, find your way into the heart of a Capricorn! It's hard to get there, but once you do get there, you'll find a cornucopia of sexy love all with the backdrop of stability.

Capricorn is an earth sign and this is certainly reflected in their style. At home, a Cap wants things traditional and highly structured, yet they like a sense warmth and structure as well. Here are a few great examples of the Capricorn style at home.

Note the luxurious fur-like rug and the velvety textured sofa. All with a clean and ordered white backdrop.


This is a great example of a traditional living room. The exposed brick and sophisticated style is very Capricorn.

Simple and clean bedroom with the warmth of exposed brick.


The black and white floor offers an anchoring effect from the geometric pattern that a Cap would appreciate.


The home office is essential for the native Cap. A typical Cap loves to work and needs a place to do so at home, even if they work in an office building during the day.


I hope you enjoyed this post!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Wonderland

Today marks the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. Its the longest and darkest day of the year, but heralds the gradual return of brighter days. Although the cold may seem like a drag, winter has an ethereal beauty that should be celebrated. Here are some inspiring home decor ideas that can help you "celebrate" the season. Need to decorate your home? Give KMW Interiors a call. We're here to help with interior design or interior decoration!

Lovely fireplace decor featuring pine cones


Simple yet elegant evergreen candle decor


Quirky birch log lamps


Pine cone and wood Reindeer. These would make a cute conversation piece.


Holly napkin rings


I hope you enjoyed this post. Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sagittarius Style

Right now, the sun is deep in the festive and free-wheeling sign of Sagittarius. This time of year is typically filled with optimism and holiday fun. Ruled by the expansive and lucky planet Jupiter, Sagittarians tend to crave wide open spaces, new adventures and learning new things. The native Sagittarius typically has a deep connection with the great outdoors. In fact, the true Sagittarius can sometimes find it difficult to be indoors for too long!

When it comes to the home, Sagittarians love to bring the outdoors inside. I would call their style "Modern Rustic". Here are some examples that I believe capture the home style of Sagittarius.

This headboard would definitely intrigue the true native Sagittarius. It has a rustic look, yet, has an unusual twist.

Another great example using reclaimed wood.


Check out the fantastic fireplace! It has a wonderfully worn look.


This living space includes deep red, a color that many Sagittarians are drawn to.


This bedroom has both a sultry and rustic feel.

This is a great contemporary decor element for those Sags that love the rustic look, without harming our animal  friends.


I hope you enjoyed this post!