Relationships aren't easy (to put it mildly). Everyone has to figure out how to employ (what I call) the 3 “C’s” – Communication, Compassion and Compromise. Yeah, we all think that we can do that, and some of us have a knack for it. However, your person-to-person skills may not be the only factor that can effect your relationship. Whether we know it or not, the energy in our bedrooms may be inadvertently creating a negative influence on our intimate life.
Here are 8 ways to improve the energy flow in your boudoir and create some HEAT.
1. Get rid of the TV/Computer
Bedrooms are a place where you rejuvenate. There should be no influences from the outside world when you enter your room. It needs to be a reflection of calm, peace and inner joy. Televisions and computers are collective energy. They connect you with world events and the currents of the collective. In order to really rejuvenate, you need to keep the TV or any other mass-info-transmitting apparatus OUT of the bedroom!
2. Mind your Mirrors…
In interior design, mirrors are used to make a small space feel large. That is great and very practical, but a mirror can create unwanted energy as well. A mirror should NEVER reflect your bed. If you can see yourself from your bed, you have a problem. This invites “third party” energy to your place of recuperation, intimacy and sensuality. And, who wants a "third party" when you're trying to connect on a truly intimate level?
(Beautiful room! But, BAD relationship Feng Shui...)
3. Mind your windows…
Your bed is a very sacred place. Think about it, you spend 8 hours a night there (if you’re lucky) and you share it with your most intimate partner! This place must be planned in order to facilitate a happy life of good "nookie". Make sure your bed is not under a window. Too much energy flows out of a window and your good loving energy can float right out!
This may look peaceful, but this can also bring you serious relationship drama!
4. ...and Mind your Doors!
Make sure that the foot of your bed does not face the door. In Chinese culture, the dead are carried out feet first from a room. Do you want to be considered dead? In High school, I had the foot of my bed pointed toward the door and I got the Shingles. The Shingles is a disease that affects the elderly. I was 16 years old! See what I mean…promote sexy health by making sure the foot of your bed is a SOLID surface. Get a bed with a footboard if you have to. It’ll keep you healthy and energetic!
This is a beautiful contemporary room that has open space and the bed is NOT pointing to the room's entrance. Good job!
5. Keep it Clean and Clear!
“Chi” describes universal energy that flows in a space. If you have too much junk in your space, it tends to cloud your mind and your heart. It also interferes with creativity. Try to keep items from pilling in corners and DO NOT store anything under your bed! That space needs to have free flowing energy to keep the flame of love alive.
6. Lavender and Pink!|
Lavender is the color of healing, rejuvenation and peace. Pink is the color of romance and love. These energies aren't aggressive, but they provide the element of self-awareness and inner peace in your bedroom. Love blossoms quite easily when the environment is conducive to healing and good old fashioned romance. Moreover, lavender helps you to find personal balance. How can you find your soul mate if you can’t figure out who you are?
Tip for men: There are many shades of grey that have a lavender or even a pink hue that you can use in your private space. Lighter shades of orange (i.e. peach) can also be used.
7. Red = Fire!
Red is a very sensual color. It can add just the touch of energy that you need in your bedroom to create heated passion and synergy. However, keep in mind that red is a powerful color and must be used in moderation. If it can infuriate a bull, it certainly can infuriate people! To add that spicy spark to your love room, simply add a few pieces in red. A red ottoman, footstool/bench, decorative blanket or a couple of red pillows should work to infuse passionate energy to your love cave.
This is the prefect, balanced love den...
8. Place Items in Pairs
1 + 1 = 2. That is the basic math of couples and it applies to your bedroom as well! Want to be part of a twosome? Then create a bedroom that is symmetrical. After all, symmetry is the essence of love! Male and female = masculine and feminine. One has no meaning without the other. Even if your mate is the same sex as you, you still need to employ a balance of these energies. This is the energy of symmetry. Try to have matching items in your bedroom where possible. Incorporate matching lamps, pillows and artwork to create symmetry (no pictures of a lonesome blossom or solitary tree). A good piece of symmetrical artwork can contribute to the energy of two. If your pieces aren't symmetrical they should at least provide harmonious balance.
This room is perfect! The pictures are balanced yet the main pieces in the room provide symmetry.